Welcome to the "Howard Stern Seriously" blog which is taking on the torch from the infamous old "Howard Seriously" blog. I'm Mackay Bell, a life long Howard Stern fan, and I can't think of a more interesting time to take over this blog. Howard's new contract negotiations/possible retirement are going to provide a lot of interesting topics over the next year. This blog focuses more on the business and artistic side of Howard. We don't go for a lot of gossip or just fandom stuff. We take Howard very seriously as we know he takes his art very seriously. Even if it involves fart jokes.
So let's get started. Howard's contract is up next year and already Sirius is planting news stories trying to get him to take a big pay cut. Howard is an artist who is truly capable of doing anything, radio, film, television, music, but for some reason people keep trying to tell him that he has no choice but to do whatever it is his current bosses want. Here's a link to a planted story with planted anti-Howard talking points:
Now Howard himself is a little to blame for the bad press that talks about his lack of choices and need to settle for less. That's because Howard, and his Super Agent Don Buchwald, are old school and don't talk about their business in public. At least as much as they can given Howard's fans are rabid for any information they can get. So there's always a bit of a Howard new vacuum and that others can fill. Others like his current and former bosses. And like most bosses, they have one message they like to send out. Work more for less money.
But Howard has tons of choices, and he knows it. If he wants money, he can get it. If he wants power or fame, he can get it. If he wants a prime time show for Ronnie the Limo Driver, he can get it. And don't think that Super Agent Don Buchwald isn't exploring the entire range of Howard's choices and informing Sirius how screwed it will be if Howard leaves. This should make for a very interesting drama in the year ahead. Hope you enjoy my commentary!
Oh, and if you want to check out some of the postings on the old blog, do it soon. It will all be taken down soon. Here's the link:
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