Friday, January 29, 2010

Clear Channel Desperate for Howard: Press Desperate for A Story

So I spent a lot of time in previous posts tearing apart, inch by inch, the AP piece on Howard Stern's options after leaving Sirius. I did this, not only because it was all bullshit, but also for the record because I knew the story would spin in a new direction once Howard gets closer to having to make an actual decision about what do do next.

Because when it comes to Howard Stern, the press operates kind of like Big Brother in 1984. Like in the novel, they say one thing one week, and then the opposite the next week, without ever admitting they changed their facts.

So, just a few months ago, the press was all repeating how Howard couldn't go back to traditional broadcast radio. Now they're starting to say he could, but only if he'll "clean up his act." Here's a typical piece:

Of course, Howard has already said he won't go back to Clear Channel. So they're fooling themselves to think he would "clean up" just for them.

But here's a prediction: in the next few months, Howard will be fielding tons of offers to return to broadcast radio, and the press will write about them like it's likely to happen.

And Clear Channel will not only make serious offers to Howard, but they'll completely shut up about him having to "clean up." They'll simply offer him piles of money. Howard will probably float the idea of setting up his own broadcast network, and Clear Channel stations will beg to come aboard, no strings attached.

Whether Howard will take the deal or stay on Sirius, will be up to him. I actually think there's a 50% chance he'll return to traditional broadcast. Not only with his own show, but with entire programming blocks. He might even do a deal with broadcast and remain on Sirius in an "uncensored" format. Howard has nothing but options.


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