As I predicted, Howard Stern does have the option of returning to traditional broadcast radio when his contract with Sirius expires this year. He's already getting offers:
But isn't he worried about being muzzled by the FCC? Didn't he hate broadcast radio? Well, yes and no. Howard made his career in broadcast radio. He understands the medium better than any other radio host. The biggest problem is that he was way ahead of his time. He was constantly pushing the envelope and traditional broadcasters didn't understand what he was doing and often didn't appreciate it.
But since Howard has left for satellite, times have changed. The world has caught up with Howard. Gay jokes? No problem. Penis jokes? No problem. A morning DJ that doesn't simply play music? Of course. Lesbian dating? All over MTV. The big TV networks are fighting the FCC heavily on censorship and winning. Those corporations used to roll over to the FCC, and now they are following Howard's lead and battling it.
More importantly, when Howard left traditional radio it was a hotbed of crazy conservatives taking over stations who wanted FCC approval. That's pretty much gone away. On top of that, back in the day, Howard was tied into contracts with stations that weren't fully supportive, and underestimated his value. That's not going to happen again.
If Howard decides to return to traditional radio he can pick and choose his stations from scratch. He can build a huge syndicated national network and contractually guarantee they'll fight in court with the FCC if he has any problems. If he wants, he can fill hours more of programing with the after show, Bubba, Riley Martin and other programing from his two satellite channels. He could have a late night "Best of Howard Stern" program. And demand more money that God. In other words, he could return to traditional radio as a conqueror and king.
And that just might appeal to him.
Are you listening, Mel?
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